
About Me

Zachary Dillinger is a furniture maker and writer. He specializes in reproducing antique American furniture with period-correct hand tools. He is the author of With Saw , Plane and Chisel: Building Historic American Furniture with Hand Tools (F&W Media), On Woodworking: Notes from a Lifetime at the Bench, Duct Tape is Flammable & Other Life Lessons from a Car Guy, and numerous nationally published magazine and journal articles. He is also frequently called on to demonstrate and teach period woodworking techniques to crowds from two to two hundred.

Zachary shares his Charlotte, Michigan home with April, his wife of 16 years, their seven year old daughter Abigail, and a spoiled rotten mutt named Daisy. In addition to his woodworking, Zachary enjoys collecting, working on classic pre-war American cars, playing tennis, and supporting Liverpool FC.