
The 2014 Early American Life Directory of Traditional American Craft

I was juried into the Early American Life Directory of Traditional American Craft for 2014. This is a huge honor and one that means a lot in the American decorative arts community. My work will be listed in the Formal / Painted category in the June issue of EAL.

EAL is an incredible resource for anyone interested in the decorative arts. They cover not only furniture, but silver, pottery, glassware, architecture, cooking, the fiber arts, and just about anything else you can think of along those lines. I would encourage anyone who reads my stuff to check out an issue, or save yourself time and just subscribe. You won't be sorry.

Finally, here is what Megan Fitzpatrick of Popular Woodworking Magazine had to say about my inclusion...

I've got some exciting projects coming up. I'm just finishing a Federal-style huntboard for my wife, then it is right back to early styles, including a reproduction of a desk owned by Chief Justice John Marshall, a faux-burl blanket chest and a c.1760 Massachusetts dresser. Plus whatever work comes my way between now and then. And I should have another article or two coming soon, in a couple of different places. So, lots to do and lots to write. Keep an eye on this space for more details.

Till next,



  1. Congratulations Zach! This truly is a great honor. Early American Life is my favorite magazine, bar none, and that includes woodworking magazines. I have been a subscriber for over 15 years now. In addition to loving the stories and pictures of the beautiful old homes they photograph and write about, the antique and reproduction furniture they show in those homes is a great resource for getting ideas on the next project to build. You done good making their list. A well deserved honor.

    1. EAL is definitely one of my top magazines too. Antiques and Fine Art is also right up there, along with the woodworking mags. I really appreciate your kind words. I'm hoping this helps me take my work to the next level.
