
Brief update on my polychrome chest of drawers

Things have been busy in the shop and the library for me lately. I'm working on several different writing projects and building two (soon to be three) pieces concurrently in the shop.

The biggest thing I accomplished over the weekend was a dry assembly of my c. 1700 - 1720 polychrome chest of drawers. You've seen this several times already.

Here is the piece dry assembled. No, I haven't turned into Adam Bede's brother Seth (who famously "finished" a door while forgetting to put in the panels in Eliot's novel). The panel stock is currently in clamps awaiting final sizing. And the remaining grooves have been plowed. Not bad progress since I started this on May 23rd and have had little time to devote to it directly, maybe an hour every other day since then.

My apologies for the mess. That pile of shavings is about four inches over my ankles. This is just about the dirtiest I have ever let my shop get... might be time for a cleanup and saw sharpening day...

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