My new shop upgrade

My wife and I have lived in our new home for just about a year.  In that time, I've managed to do some really good work in my shop but I've always felt that a little more light was in order.  This weekend, I rectified that problem.

 My old bench wall. Functional, but drab.  Not a very inspiring place to work

I paid a visit to my local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store.  If you've never been, I highly encourage you to check it out.  They stock many recycled building supplies, hardware, lighting fixtures and other similar items.  Best of all, the profits go to support Habitat for Humanity.

I walked out of the store with two newer new construction windows.  They are double paned, steel frame and quite heavy.  Best of all, I paid $30 for the pair and I even scored a EC Atkins miter box saw there as well.

A new view of the world

They were easy to install, look great and add a ton of natural light to the shop.  They will make my shop a very pleasant place to spend the few moments I get out there each week.  Now, I just need some insulation, a few pieces of paneling and some trim and my shop will look great.



  1. Wow, Real nice improvement!
    Good for you!

  2. Thanks David. I'm really looking forward to getting it finished up.



  3. I see 22 targets for a baseball from those future kids of yours! HA!!

  4. 24 targets! That's what I get for using my head instead of my calculator.
