
Updates from a very busy woodshop

I've been very busy in the shop, building two projects for upcoming Popular Woodworking articles. I still managed to work on a couple of personal projects.

First, a Roman bench as popularized by Chris Schwarz. Mine is a bit shorter than the plan calls for but is still a very useful little thing. I've always sat for a large portion of my work and this makes it that much easier to do so.

I knocked together a qamutiik (Inuit sled) for hauling firewood this winter. Made with traditional lashings instead of nails or screws, the flexibility of this sled should help get over the snowbanks and ice between the wood shed and the wood stove.

I've also cut down, stripped the bark from, and put up to dry a 8 foot maple sapling. This is destined to become a spring pole for a new lathe. My old lathe is worn out from a decade or more of hard use and I plan to replace it once the PW build craziness is over.

From the remnants of this tree and other deadfall from the yard, I've put up a few twig bundles for the wood stove. This is always a fun little distraction that can happen at any time. Lately I've been having my two year old daughter Abigail help me gather sticks from the yard. Fun times.

Finally, I knocked together this little box. Inspired by the Mastermyr box with a couple of small changes, this will store my augers, gimlets, braces, and other boring equipment on a daily basis and will also make a fine partner for traveling to demonstrations. It still needs a lid but, since this picture was taken, I've planed out a piece of sassafras to serve. Again, lightness is a priority for traveling.

That's pretty much it in terms of things that I can talk about. You'll be seeing my writing more and more in PW and on the PW website so keep an eye out for that!


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