
Life goes on...

I've been struggling to get in the shop these last few months (OK, last few years). The Michigan winter refused to loosen her grip until just recently and my as-yet unheated shop is rather inhospitable during those frigid months. I have stayed busy, though, writing, reading, and working on my 1900-built farmhouse, including the cosmetic restoration of my beautifully tiled coal burning fireplace. It took months to track down enough of the proper tile to finish the work but the results were definitely worth the effort.

Next up on the house is a couple of big projects that I have wanted to do for a long time, namely a new set of stairs for my front porch and rebuilding the long-destroyed dry-stack fieldstone wall that separates my yard from the dirt road. Thankfully most of the stones are still there, just buried in a hundred years or so of leaf compost from the massive maples overhead.

As a sidenote, I'm demonstrating next week at the Mid-Michigan Woodworker's Guild meeting. Tuesday the 21st form 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Should be a great time and I'm very much looking forward to it.

So, in short, I'm still here. Still writing (all of my books are still available on Amazon by clicking here.). Still making sawdust. Just not as much of either as I would like. My layoff ends now.


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