As requested...

How the spring attaches to the box itself

The hinges for the swinging arm... nothing too fancy

As requested, here are some pictures that show the swinging arm and how it mounts to the box. It simply uses two mortise hinges to attach to the right side of the box. It is a simple set up but it makes it really easy to get to the tools in the box behind the arm.

I'm still working on getting pictures of my latest finds. My wife took our good camera to Cleveland this weekend so I'm stuck with my $40 digital. I can't do my new Type 11 #7 jointer or my new #2 the justice they deserve with that.

Look for more a little later this weekend! As always, here's hoping you get some time in your shop and time to shop for your latest treasure!



  1. Hi Zach, Mike Wurm from Lumberjocks. Just your article. Very good piece. I agree with read your picks. Some very good authors you recommend. Tage Frid, no doubt one of the best. I'm a big Maloof fan as well as Nagashima, but for learning woodworking I think you nailed it.

  2. Mike,

    Thanks for the compliments. I figured I couldn't go too far wrong by staying with the masters. Nakashima, of course, was an incredible talent. I don't think there is a woodworker today who hasn't been influenced by both Nakashima and Maloof.

    Take care,

